Monday, September 26, 2011

Where we live

Dear Olive,

A few months ago we decided we'd be better off just giving you your own room at night. You sleep like 12 or 13 hours in there anyway, so it just made more sense. I thought it would be nice for you to see your first room!

We moved our bed out into the living room, and it's working out really well actually. We have a little couch and a carpet in there too, plus a desk for me and your dad. You can see in the picture with the bed, it used to be one sided, but we opened it up and now we each have a side.

I also got a new curtain to put up when the blinds fell down, and I LOVE it!

Now I just have to keep you from grabbing at them. There's so much to say, and I'm sad I'm not saying it all before I forget it. Until next time. . .

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