Saturday, January 22, 2011


So as I slowly lose weight I find myself getting closer and closer into wearing some of my old clothes again. Except for one, small (or should I say large) thing...

These DAMN boobs! They DO NOT make cute clothes for busty women, I tell you! Or maybe I just don't feel good with big boobs. I am going on a date with my husband tonight for the first time since Olive was born. I want to look cute and feel somewhat confident, so I went out to buy a new top.

For one thing, shopping with a baby, not so easy. My stroller really does not maneuver well in a crowded H&M store. Needless to say, in an hour and a half, I only got into that one store last night, and I found what I thought might work. I had a simple criteria:

1. Long
2. Large
3. Not tight in the middle but not a potato sack.

I found a nice top that fit that description. It has long tiered layers to cover my hip area and old baby uterus syndrome and could be worn with leggings. But the only problem was when I zipped it up it squished my boobs, and unzipping it made it look stupid.

Now I look in my closet for something and I'm realizing, Ok now I weigh 153, I MIGHT be able to sneak into some of my bigger pre pregnancy clothes.

But no. These boobs. They don't fit in ANYTHING. Plus, a little hard prego belly looks a lot cuter in tight clothes than left over fat.

So I'm back to square one. Baggy clothes for date night. Unless.. do I dare bust out my girdle?

I'll let you know...

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